Sunday, November 27, 2011


After a long break of blogging we are back! We had to disable our blog at the beginning our adoption journey due to strict limitations from the Ethiopian government on what is allowed. We are excited to again be sharing our journey with you. We have been so thrilled with the amount of love and support our friends and family have given us so far and overwhelmed with the response of many wanting to follow our here it goes! We can not mention the names, sex or ages of the children we are in the process of adopting or share any photos :( but most of you by now know a bit of our story and know the details of the kiddos God has asked us to have join our family. We are currently finishing up our home study and beginning the overwhelming process of collecting our dossier. (A huge number of papers and documents that will be sent to the Ethiopian government through our adoption agency.)

Our local TV news station recently covered our journey of adoption as they highlighted National Adoption Month. (November) Here is a link to read the article and see our video interview:

Also our church is just finishing up a series called Kingdom Come which focuses on our need to help and love the poor, needy, widows, orphans and those left behind. At the beginning of one of our services many families with us included shared a little of our adoption story. Ours is through the lens of Chase as becoming a big brother and acquiring siblings. You can see that video here:

We are thankful and blessed by those who have given to us along the way either financially, through pray and emotional support! All of which are equally important.

*Our current prayer request- Be praying the God continues to provide financially as our next goal is a big one! Our next set of paperwork requires about 8,000 to go along with it. Also be praying for the hearts of our children far away and give them peace that we love them and are coming for them!

*Praise- As of now ever check we have had to write we have the resources thanks to God providing through donations of others and our savings we have had through selling our vehicle etc. He is good and we know he will continue!

Till next time....God Bless! And don't forget we always want to hear from you with your personal prayer requests!!!

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2